Jean-Paul Schmitt


19.7x24 in ~ Painting, Oil

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A work from a view that can be had from the Pascalin pass in Drôme Provençale. The artist treats in a fawn way by accentuating the contrasts and oppositions of colors to reinforce the light. As often, he accompanies this work with a poem written in rebound: "The sky has put on me white clothes. Bridal desire creped with mourning. The melancholy sun of the night invades the meadows. Evening cantilene. Stay a little longer. my soul before the great black woods. Let me taste once again the beaks of your mountains. They have tender smiles and purple lips. In the deep cleavage that leads to the hollow of the bushes we will go to the soft forest through a valley of light. There, distraught, we will sleep entwined. "


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